A New Direction, Possibly

While I have been having a great time photographing the birds, flowers, trees, and other items that pique my interest, I think what I have always loved photographing are reflections. During two of my recent trips out at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021, I tried to spend a little more time looking at reflections on the water. It may be just the light, it may be of plants or animals, I don’t know yet. I am also not sure how I want to present the work and so just putting different options together to see where it may go. So while the new direction is more a focus on subject matter, I am not sure where it will go and how it will turn out in the end. Seems to mirror other decisions I have recently made with my career….

So the first set of photographs, I was intrigued by the reflections on the water and how they add to the photograph of the Anhinga.

But then, I was simply interested in capturing the reflections on the water.

But now what do I want these to be? Not sure if color or black and white. The color will be interesting in that I may capture a wide range of colors depending on the time of day, weather conditions, and whatever may be casting the reflection. The black and white on it’s own is interesting but matched with the anhinga, it could possibly look as though it is swimming in an oil spill. I am also not sure if I like the bolder more contrasty look or softer more airy feel., It will take some time I think to take in what I have captured and see what direction we will travel.

Now on the second trip, I decided to focus a bit more on the grasses and plants at the edge of the lake and the reflections they were making.

But as with the first trip, I am not yet sure if I like the color or black and white and how I feel about how they should be presented.

Well, a possible new direction in the new year and we will see where the journey leads.